



# add(a, b, destinationopt) → {CipherText|void}

Adds two CipherTexts. This function adds together a and b and stores the result in the destination parameter.
Name Type Attributes Description
a CipherText CipherText operand A
b CipherText CipherText operand B
destination CipherText <optional>
CipherText destination to store the sum

View Source evaluator.ts, line 88

CipherText containing the result or void if a destination was supplied
CipherText | void
const cipherTextA = seal.CipherText()
const cipherTextB = seal.CipherText()
// ... after encrypting some data ...
const resultCipher = evaluator.add(cipherTextA, cipherTextB)
// or
const cipherDest = seal.CipherText()
evaluator.add(cipherTextA, cipherTextB, cipherDest)

# addPlain(encrypted, plain, destinationopt, poolopt) → {CipherText|void}

Adds a CipherText and a PlainText. This function adds a CipherText and a PlainText and stores the result in the destination parameter. The PlainText must be valid for the current encryption parameters.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
encrypted CipherText CipherText operand A
plain PlainText PlainText operand B
destination CipherText <optional>
CipherText destination to store the sum
pool MemoryPoolHandle <optional> MemoryPool to use

View Source evaluator.ts, line 589

CipherText containing the result or void if a destination was supplied
CipherText | void
const cipherTextA = seal.CipherText()
const plainTextB = seal.PlainText()
// ... after encrypting/encoding some data ...
const resultCipher = evaluator.addPlain(cipherTextA, plainTextB)
// or
const cipherDest = seal.CipherText()
evaluator.addPlain(cipherTextA, plainTextB, cipherDest)

# applyGalois(encrypted, galoisElt, galoisKeys, destinationopt, poolopt) → {CipherText|void}

Applies a Galois automorphism to a CipherText and writes the result to the destination parameter. To evaluate the Galois automorphism, an appropriate set of Galois keys must also be provided. Dynamic memory allocations in the process are allocated from the memory pool pointed to by the given MemoryPoolHandle. The desired Galois automorphism is given as a Galois element, and must be an odd integer in the interval [1, M-1], where M = 2*N, and N = degree(poly_modulus). Used with batching, a Galois element 3^i % M corresponds to a cyclic row rotation i steps to the left, and a Galois element 3^(N/2-i) % M corresponds to a cyclic row rotation i steps to the right. The Galois element M-1 corresponds to a column rotation (row swap) in BFV, and complex conjugation in CKKS. In the polynomial view (not batching), a Galois automorphism by a Galois element p changes Enc(plain(x)) to Enc(plain(x^p)).
Name Type Attributes Default Description
encrypted CipherText CipherText to apply the automorphism
galoisElt number number representing the Galois element
galoisKeys GaloisKeys GaloisKeys used to perform rotations
destination CipherText <optional>
CipherText destination to store the result
pool MemoryPoolHandle <optional> MemoryPool to use

View Source evaluator.ts, line 803

CipherText containing the result or void if a destination was supplied
CipherText | void
const evaluator = seal.Evaluator(context)
const arr = Int32Array.from({ length: encoder.slotCount }, (_, i) => i)
const plain = encoder.encode(arr)
const cipher = encryptor.encrypt(plain)
const cipherDest = seal.CipherText()
const galElt = 2 * parms.polyModulusDegree - 1
evaluator.applyGalois(cipher, galElt, galoisKeys, cipherDest)

# cipherModSwitchTo(encrypted, parmsId, destinationopt, poolopt) → {CipherText|void}

Given a CipherText encrypted modulo q_1...q_k, this function switches the modulus down until the parameters reach the given parmsId and stores the result in the destination parameter. Dynamic memory allocations in the process are allocated from the memory pool pointed to by the given MemoryPoolHandle.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
encrypted CipherText CipherText to switch its modulus down
parmsId ParmsIdType Target parmsId to switch to
destination CipherText <optional>
CipherText destination to store the switched result
pool MemoryPoolHandle <optional> MemoryPool to use

View Source evaluator.ts, line 295

CipherText containing the result or void if a destination was supplied
CipherText | void
const context = seal.Context(encParms, true)
const cipherTextA = seal.CipherText()
// ... after encrypting some data ...
const parmsId = context.lastParmsId
const resultCipher = evaluator.cipherModSwitchTo(cipherTextA, parmsId)
// or
const cipherDest = seal.CipherText()
evaluator.cipherModSwitchTo(cipherTextA, parmsId, cipherDest)

# cipherModSwitchToNext(encrypted, destinationopt, poolopt) → {CipherText|void}

Given a CipherText encrypted modulo q_1...q_k, this function switches the modulus down to q_1...q_{k-1} and stores the result in the destination parameter. Dynamic memory allocations in the process are allocated from the memory pool pointed to by the given MemoryPoolHandle.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
encrypted CipherText CipherText to switch its modulus down
destination CipherText <optional>
CipherText destination to store the switched result
pool MemoryPoolHandle <optional> MemoryPool to use

View Source evaluator.ts, line 261

CipherText containing the result or void if a destination was supplied
CipherText | void
const cipherTextA = seal.CipherText()
// ... after encrypting some data ...
const resultCipher = evaluator.cipherModSwitchToNext(cipherTextA)
// or
const cipherDest = seal.CipherText()
evaluator.cipherModSwitchToNext(cipherTextA, cipherDest)

# cipherTransformFromNtt(encryptedNtt, destinationopt) → {CipherText|void}

Transforms a CipherText back from NTT domain. This functions applies the inverse of David Harvey's number Theoretic Transform separately to each polynomial of a CipherText. The result is stored in the destination parameter.
Name Type Attributes Description
encryptedNtt CipherText CipherText to transform
destination CipherText <optional>
CipherText destination to store the transformed result

View Source evaluator.ts, line 772

CipherText containing the result or void if a destination was supplied
CipherText | void
// ... after cipherTransformToNtt ...
const resultCipher = evaluator.cipherTransformFromNtt(cipherTextANtt)
// or
const cipherDest = seal.CipherText()
evaluator.cipherTransformFromNtt(cipherTextANtt, cipherDest)

# cipherTransformToNtt(encrypted, destinationNttopt) → {CipherText|void}

Transforms a CipherText to NTT domain. This functions applies David Harvey's number Theoretic Transform separately to each polynomial of a CipherText. The result is stored in the destinationNtt parameter.
Name Type Attributes Description
encrypted CipherText CipherText to transform
destinationNtt CipherText <optional>
CipherText destination to store the transformed result

View Source evaluator.ts, line 740

CipherText containing the result or void if a destination was supplied
CipherText | void
const cipherTextA = seal.CipherText()
// ... after encrypting some data ...
const resultCipher = evaluator.cipherTransformToNtt(cipherTextA)
// or
const cipherDest = seal.CipherText()
evaluator.cipherTransformToNtt(cipherTextA, cipherDest)

# complexConjugate(encrypted, galoisKeys, destinationopt, poolopt) → {CipherText|void}

Complex conjugates PlainText slot values. When using the CKKS scheme, this function complex conjugates all values in the underlying PlainText, and writes the result to the destination parameter. Dynamic memory allocations in the process are allocated from the memory pool pointed to by the given MemoryPoolHandle.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
encrypted CipherText CipherText to complex conjugate
galoisKeys GaloisKeys GaloisKeys used to perform rotations
destination CipherText <optional>
CipherText destination to store the conjugated result
pool MemoryPoolHandle <optional> MemoryPool to use

View Source evaluator.ts, line 971

CipherText containing the result or void if a destination was supplied
CipherText | void
const galoisKeys = keyGenerator.createGaloisKeys()
const cipherTextA = seal.CipherText()
// ... after encrypting some data ...
const resultCipher = evaluator.complexConjugate(cipherTextA, galoisKeys)
// or
const cipherDest = seal.CipherText()
evaluator.complexConjugate(cipherTextA, galoisKeys, cipherDest)

# delete()

Delete the underlying WASM instance. Should be called before dereferencing this object to prevent the WASM heap from growing indefinitely.

View Source evaluator.ts, line 44

# dotProduct(a, b, relinKeys, galoisKeys, scheme, destinationopt, poolopt) → {CipherText|void}

Perform the dot product (A.B) of two CipherTexts The resulting CipherText contains the dot product in every element.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
a CipherText CipherText operand A
b CipherText CipherText operand B
relinKeys RelinKeys RelinKeys used to perform relinearization after multiplication
galoisKeys GaloisKeys GaloisKeys used to perform rotations
scheme SchemeType Scheme that was used for encryption
destination CipherText <optional>
CipherText destination to store the result
pool MemoryPoolHandle <optional> MemoryPool to use

View Source evaluator.ts, line 1042

CipherText containing the result or void if a destination was supplied
CipherText | void
const relinKeys = keyGenerator.createRelinKeys()
const galoisKeys = keyGenerator.createGaloisKeys()
const cipherTextA = seal.CipherText()
const cipherTextB = seal.CipherText()
// ... after encrypting some data ...
const resultCipher = evaluator.dotProduct(cipherTextA, cipherTextB, relinKeys, galoisKeys, seal.SchemeTypes.BFV)
// or
const cipherDest = seal.CipherText()
evaluator.dotProduct(cipherTextA, cipherTextB, relinKeys, galoisKeys, seal.SchemeTypes.BFV, cipherDest)

# dotProductPlain(a, b, galoisKeys, scheme, destinationopt, poolopt) → {CipherText|void}

Perform the dot product (A.B) of CipherText (A) and PlainText (B). The resulting CipherText contains the dot product in every element.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
a CipherText CipherText operand A
b PlainText PlainText operand B
galoisKeys GaloisKeys GaloisKeys used to perform rotations
scheme SchemeType Scheme that was used for encryption
destination CipherText <optional>
CipherText destination to store the result
pool MemoryPoolHandle <optional> MemoryPool to use

View Source evaluator.ts, line 1085

CipherText containing the result or void if a destination was supplied
CipherText | void
const galoisKeys = keyGenerator.createGaloisKeys()
const cipherTextA = seal.CipherText()
const plainTextB = seal.PlainText()
// ... after encoding / encrypting some data ...
const resultCipher = evaluator.dotProductPlain(cipherTextA, plainTextB, galoisKeys, seal.SchemeTypes.BFV)
// or
const cipherDest = seal.CipherText()
evaluator.dotProductPlain(cipherTextA, plainTextB, galoisKeys, seal.SchemeTypes.BFV, cipherDest)

# exponentiate(encrypted, exponent, relinKeys, destinationopt, poolopt) → {CipherText|void}

Exponentiates a CipherText. This functions raises encrypted to a power and stores the result in the destination parameter. Dynamic memory allocations in the process are allocated from the memory pool pointed to by the given MemoryPoolHandle. The exponentiation is done in a depth-optimal order, and relinearization is performed automatically after every multiplication in the process. In relinearization the given relinearization keys are used.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
encrypted CipherText CipherText to exponentiate
exponent number Positive integer to exponentiate the CipherText
relinKeys RelinKeys RelinKeys used to perform relinearization after each exponentiation
destination CipherText <optional>
CipherText destination to store the exponentiated result
pool MemoryPoolHandle <optional> MemoryPool to use

View Source evaluator.ts, line 550

CipherText containing the result or void if a destination was supplied
CipherText | void
const relinKeys = keyGenerator.createRelinKeys()
const cipherTextA = seal.CipherText()
// ... after encrypting some data ...
const resultCipher = evaluator.exponentiate(cipherTextA, 3, relinKeys)
// or
const cipherDest = seal.CipherText()
evaluator.exponentiate(cipherTextA, 3, relinKeys, cipherDest)

# modReduceTo(encrypted, parmsId, destinationopt, poolopt) → {CipherText|void}

Given a ciphertext encrypted modulo q_1...q_k, this function reduces the modulus down until the parameters reach the given parms_id and stores the result in the destination parameter. Dynamic memory allocations in the process are allocated from the memory pool pointed to by the given MemoryPoolHandle.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
encrypted CipherText CipherText to reduce
parmsId ParmsIdType Target parmsId to reduce to
destination CipherText <optional>
CipherText destination to store the reduced result
pool MemoryPoolHandle <optional> MemoryPool to use

View Source evaluator.ts, line 509

CipherText containing the result or void if a destination was supplied
CipherText | void
const context = seal.Context(encParms, true)
const cipherTextA = seal.CipherText()
// ... after encrypting some data ...
const parmsId = context.lastParmsId
const resultCipher = evaluator.modReduceTo(cipherTextA, parmsId)
// or
const cipherDest = seal.CipherText()
evaluator.modReduceTo(cipherTextA, parmsId, cipherDest)

# modReduceToNext(encrypted, destinationopt, poolopt) → {CipherText|void}

Given a ciphertext encrypted modulo q_1...q_k, this function switches the modulus down to q_1...q_{k-1}, scales the message down accordingly, and stores the result in the destination parameter. Dynamic memory allocations in the process are allocated from the memory pool pointed to by the given MemoryPoolHandle.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
encrypted CipherText CipherText to reduce
destination CipherText <optional>
CipherText destination to store the reduced result
pool MemoryPoolHandle <optional> MemoryPool to use

View Source evaluator.ts, line 471

CipherText containing the result or void if a destination was supplied
CipherText | void
const cipherTextA = seal.CipherText()
// ... after encrypting some data ...
const resultCipher = evaluator.modReduceToNext(cipherTextA)
// or
const cipherDest = seal.CipherText()
evaluator.modReduceToNext(cipherTextA, cipherDest)

# multiply(a, b, destinationopt, poolopt) → {CipherText|void}

Multiplies two CipherTexts. This functions computes the product of a and b and stores the result in the destination parameter. Dynamic memory allocations in the process are allocated from the memory pool pointed to by the given MemoryPoolHandle.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
a CipherText CipherText operand A
b CipherText CipherText operand B
destination CipherText <optional>
CipherText destination to store the product
pool MemoryPoolHandle <optional> MemoryPool to use

View Source evaluator.ts, line 154

CipherText containing the result or void if a destination was supplied
CipherText | void
const cipherTextA = seal.CipherText()
const cipherTextB = seal.CipherText()
// ... after encrypting some data ...
const resultCipher = evaluator.multiply(cipherTextA, cipherTextB)
// or
const cipherDest = seal.CipherText()
evaluator.multiply(cipherTextA, cipherTextB, cipherDest)

# multiplyPlain(encrypted, plain, destinationopt, poolopt) → (nullable) {CipherText}

Multiplies a CipherText with a PlainText. This function multiplies a CipherText with a PlainText and stores the result in the destination parameter. The PlainText must be a valid for the current encryption parameters, and cannot be identially 0. Dynamic memory allocations in the process are allocated from the memory pool pointed to by the given MemoryPoolHandle.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
encrypted CipherText CipherText operand A
plain PlainText PlainText operand B
destination CipherText <optional>
CipherText destination to store the product
pool MemoryPoolHandle <optional> MemoryPool to use

View Source evaluator.ts, line 659

CipherText containing the result or void if a destination was supplied
const cipherTextA = seal.CipherText()
const plainTextB = seal.PlainText()
// ... after encrypting/encoding some data ...
const resultCipher = evaluator.multiplyPlain(cipherTextA, plainTextB)
// or
const cipherDest = seal.CipherText()
evaluator.multiplyPlain(cipherTextA, plainTextB, cipherDest)

# negate(encrypted, destinationopt) → {CipherText|void}

Negates a CipherText and stores the result in the destination parameter.
Name Type Attributes Description
encrypted CipherText CipherText to negate
destination CipherText <optional>
CipherText to store the negated results

View Source evaluator.ts, line 58

CipherText containing the result or void if a destination was supplied
CipherText | void
const cipherText = seal.CipherText()
// ... after encrypting some data ...
const resultCipher = evaluator.negate(cipherText)
// or
const cipherDest = seal.CipherText()
evaluator.negate(encrypted, cipherDest)

# plainModSwitchTo(plain, parmsId, destinationopt) → {PlainText|void}

Given an NTT transformed PlainText modulo q_1...q_k, this function switches the modulus down until the parameters reach the given parmsId and stores the result in the destination parameter.
Name Type Attributes Description
plain PlainText PlainText to switch its modulus down
parmsId ParmsIdType Target parmsId to switch to
destination PlainText <optional>
PlainText destination to store the switched result

View Source evaluator.ts, line 363

PlainText containing the result or void if a destination was supplied
PlainText | void
const context = seal.Context(encParms, true)
const plainTextA = seal.PlainText()
// ... after encoding some data ...
const parmsId = context.lastParmsId
const resultCipher = evaluator.plainModSwitchTo(plainTextA, parmsId)
// or
const plainDest = seal.PlainText()
evaluator.plainModSwitchTo(plainTextA, parmsId, plainDest)

# plainModSwitchToNext(plain, destinationopt) → {PlainText|void}

Modulus switches an NTT transformed PlainText from modulo q_1...q_k down to modulo q_1...q_{k-1} and stores the result in the destination parameter.
Name Type Attributes Description
plain PlainText PlainText to switch its modulus down
destination PlainText <optional>
PlainText destination to store the switched result

View Source evaluator.ts, line 332

PlainText containing the result or void if a destination was supplied
PlainText | void
const plainTextA = seal.PlainText()
// ... after encoding some data ...
const resultCipher = evaluator.plainModSwitchToNext(plainTextA)
// or
const plainDest = seal.PlainText()
evaluator.plainModSwitchToNext(plainTextA, plainDest)

# plainTransformToNtt(plain, parmsId, destinationNttopt, poolopt) → {PlainText|void}

Transforms a PlainText to NTT domain. This functions applies the number Theoretic Transform to a PlainText by first embedding integers modulo the PlainText modulus to integers modulo the coefficient modulus and then performing David Harvey's NTT on the resulting polynomial. The transformation is done with respect to encryption parameters corresponding to a given parmsId. The result is stored in the destinationNtt parameter. For the operation to be valid, the PlainText must have degree less than PolyModulusDegree and each coefficient must be less than the PlainText modulus, i.e., the PlainText must be a valid PlainText under the current encryption parameters. Dynamic memory allocations in the process are allocated from the memory pool pointed to by the given MemoryPoolHandle.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
plain PlainText PlainText to transform
parmsId ParmsIdType target parmsId to perform NTT transformation
destinationNtt PlainText <optional>
PlainText destination to store the transformed result
pool MemoryPoolHandle <optional> MemoryPool to use

View Source evaluator.ts, line 696

PlainText containing the result or void if a destination was supplied
PlainText | void
const context = seal.Context(encParms, true)
const plainTextA = seal.PlainText()
// ... after encoding some data ...
const parmsId = context.lastParmsId
const resultCipher = evaluator.plainTransformToNtt(plainTextA, parmsId)
// or
const plainDest = seal.PlainText()
evaluator.plainTransformToNtt(plainTextA, parmsId, plainDest)

# relinearize(encrypted, relinKeys, destinationopt, poolopt) → {CipherText|void}

Relinearizes a CipherText. This functions relinearizes encrypted, reducing its size down to 2, and stores the result in the destination parameter. If the size of encrypted is K+1, the given relinearization keys need to have size at least K-1. Dynamic memory allocations in the process are allocated from the memory pool pointed to by the given MemoryPoolHandle.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
encrypted CipherText CipherText to relinearize
relinKeys RelinKeys RelinKey used to perform relinearization
destination CipherText <optional>
CipherText destination to store the relinearized result
pool MemoryPoolHandle <optional> MemoryPool to use

View Source evaluator.ts, line 224

CipherText containing the result or void if a destination was supplied
CipherText | void
const relinKeys = keyGenerator.createRelinKeys()
const cipherTextA = seal.CipherText()
// ... after encrypting some data ...
const resultCipher = evaluator.relinearize(cipherTextA, relinKeys)
// or
const cipherDest = seal.CipherText()
evaluator.relinearize(cipherTextA, relinKeys, cipherDest)

# rescaleTo(encrypted, parmsId, destinationopt, poolopt) → {CipherText|void}

Given a CipherText encrypted modulo q_1...q_k, this function switches the modulus down until the parameters reach the given parmsId, scales the message down accordingly, and stores the result in the destination parameter. Dynamic memory allocations in the process are allocated from the memory pool pointed to by the given MemoryPoolHandle.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
encrypted CipherText CipherText to rescale
parmsId ParmsIdType Target parmsId to rescale to
destination CipherText <optional>
CipherText destination to store the rescaled result
pool MemoryPoolHandle <optional> MemoryPool to use

View Source evaluator.ts, line 433

CipherText containing the result or void if a destination was supplied
CipherText | void
const context = seal.Context(encParms, true)
const cipherTextA = seal.CipherText()
// ... after encrypting some data ...
const parmsId = context.lastParmsId
const resultCipher = evaluator.rescaleTo(cipherTextA, parmsId)
// or
const cipherDest = seal.CipherText()
evaluator.rescaleTo(cipherTextA, parmsId, cipherDest)

# rescaleToNext(encrypted, destinationopt, poolopt) → {CipherText|void}

Given a CipherText encrypted modulo q_1...q_k, this function switches the modulus down to q_1...q_{k-1}, scales the message down accordingly, and stores the result in the destination parameter. Dynamic memory allocations in the process are allocated from the memory pool pointed to by the given MemoryPoolHandle.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
encrypted CipherText CipherText to rescale
destination CipherText <optional>
CipherText destination to store the rescaled result
pool MemoryPoolHandle <optional> MemoryPool to use

View Source evaluator.ts, line 398

CipherText containing the result or void if a destination was supplied
CipherText | void
const cipherTextA = seal.CipherText()
// ... after encrypting some data ...
const resultCipher = evaluator.rescaleToNext(cipherTextA)
// or
const cipherDest = seal.CipherText()
evaluator.rescaleToNext(cipherTextA, cipherDest)

# rotateColumns(encrypted, galoisKeys, destinationopt, poolopt) → {CipherText|void}

Rotates PlainText matrix columns cyclically. When batching is used with the BFV scheme, this function rotates the encrypted PlainText matrix columns cyclically, and writes the result to the destination parameter. Since the size of the batched matrix is 2-by-(N/2), where N is the degree of the polynomial modulus, this means simply swapping the two rows. Dynamic memory allocations in the process are allocated from the memory pool pointed to by the given MemoryPoolHandle.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
encrypted CipherText CipherText to rotate columns
galoisKeys GaloisKeys GaloisKeys used to perform rotations
destination CipherText <optional>
CipherText destination to store the rotated result
pool MemoryPoolHandle <optional> MemoryPool to use

View Source evaluator.ts, line 892

CipherText containing the result or void if a destination was supplied
CipherText | void
const galoisKeys = keyGenerator.createGaloisKeys()
const cipherTextA = seal.CipherText()
// ... after encrypting some data ...
const resultCipher = evaluator.rotateColumns(cipherTextA, galoisKeys)
// or
const cipherDest = seal.CipherText()
evaluator.rotateColumns(cipherTextA, galoisKeys, cipherDest)

# rotateRows(encrypted, steps, galoisKeys, destinationopt, poolopt) → {CipherText|void}

Rotates PlainText matrix rows cyclically. When batching is used with the BFV/BGV scheme, this function rotates the encrypted PlainText matrix rows cyclically to the left (steps > 0) or to the right (steps < 0) and writes the result to the destination parameter. Since the size of the batched matrix is 2-by-(N/2), where N is the degree of the polynomial modulus, the number of steps to rotate must have absolute value at most N/2-1. Dynamic memory allocations in the process are allocated from the memory pool pointed to by the given MemoryPoolHandle.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
encrypted CipherText CipherText to rotate rows
steps number Int representing steps to rotate (negative = right, positive = left)
galoisKeys GaloisKeys GaloisKeys used to perform rotations
destination CipherText <optional>
CipherText destination to store the rotated result
pool MemoryPoolHandle <optional> MemoryPool to use

View Source evaluator.ts, line 851

CipherText containing the result or void if a destination was supplied
CipherText | void
const galoisKeys = keyGenerator.createGaloisKeys()
const cipherTextA = seal.CipherText()
// ... after encrypting some data ...
const resultCipher = evaluator.rotateRows(cipherTextA, 3, galoisKeys)
// or
const cipherDest = seal.CipherText()
evaluator.rotateRows(cipherTextA, 3, galoisKeys, cipherDest)

# rotateVector(encrypted, steps, galoisKeys, destinationopt, poolopt) → {CipherText|void}

Rotates PlainText vector cyclically. When using the CKKS scheme, this function rotates the encrypted PlainText vector cyclically to the left (steps > 0) or to the right (steps < 0) and writes the result to the destination parameter. Since the size of the batched matrix is 2-by-(N/2), where N is the degree of the polynomial modulus, the number of steps to rotate must have absolute value at most N/2-1. Dynamic memory allocations in the process are allocated from the memory pool pointed to by the given MemoryPoolHandle.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
encrypted CipherText CipherText to rotate the entire vector
steps number Int representing steps to rotate (negative = right, positive = left)
galoisKeys GaloisKeys GaloisKeys used to perform rotations
destination CipherText <optional>
CipherText destination to store the rotated result
pool MemoryPoolHandle <optional> MemoryPool to use

View Source evaluator.ts, line 931

CipherText containing the result or void if a destination was supplied
CipherText | void
const galoisKeys = keyGenerator.createGaloisKeys()
const cipherTextA = seal.CipherText()
// ... after encrypting some data ...
const resultCipher = evaluator.rotateVector(cipherTextA, 3, galoisKeys)
// or
const cipherDest = seal.CipherText()
evaluator.rotateVector(cipherTextA, 3, galoisKeys, cipherDest)

# square(encrypted, destinationopt, poolopt) → {CipherText|void}

Squares a CipherText. This functions computes the square of encrypted and stores the result in the destination parameter. Dynamic memory allocations in the process are allocated from the memory pool pointed to by the given MemoryPoolHandle.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
encrypted CipherText CipherText to square
destination CipherText <optional>
CipherText destination to store the squared result
pool MemoryPoolHandle <optional> MemoryPool to use

View Source evaluator.ts, line 190

CipherText containing the result or void if a destination was supplied
CipherText | void
const cipherTextA = seal.CipherText()
// ... after encrypting some data ...
const resultCipher = evaluator.square(cipherTextA, cipherTextB)
// or
const cipherDest = seal.CipherText()
evaluator.square(cipherTextA, cipherDest)

# sub(a, b, destinationopt) → {CipherText|void}

Subtracts two CipherTexts. This function computes the difference of a and b and stores the result in the destination parameter.
Name Type Attributes Description
a CipherText CipherText operand A
b CipherText CipherText operand B
destination CipherText <optional>
CipherText destination to store the difference

View Source evaluator.ts, line 121

CipherText containing the result or void if a destination was supplied
CipherText | void
const cipherTextA = seal.CipherText()
const cipherTextB = seal.CipherText()
// ... after encrypting some data ...
const resultCipher = evaluator.sub(cipherTextA, cipherTextB)
// or
const cipherDest = seal.CipherText()
evaluator.sub(cipherTextA, cipherTextB, cipherDest)

# subPlain(encrypted, plain, destinationopt, poolopt) → {CipherText|void}

Subtracts a PlainText from a CipherText. This function subtracts a PlainText from a CipherText and stores the result in the destination parameter. The PlainText must be valid for the current encryption parameters.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
encrypted CipherText CipherText operand A
plain PlainText PlainText operand B
destination CipherText <optional>
CipherText destination to store the difference
pool MemoryPoolHandle <optional> MemoryPool to use

View Source evaluator.ts, line 624

CipherText containing the result or void if a destination was supplied
CipherText | void
const cipherTextA = seal.CipherText()
const plainTextB = seal.PlainText()
// ... after encrypting/encoding some data ...
const resultCipher = evaluator.subPlain(cipherTextA, plainTextB)
// or
const cipherDest = seal.CipherText()
evaluator.subPlain(cipherTextA, plainTextB, cipherDest)

# sumElements(encrypted, galoisKeys, scheme, destinationopt, poolopt) → {CipherText|void}

Sum all elements in the encrypted CipherText. The resulting CipherText contains the sum in every element.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
encrypted CipherText CipherText to sum elements
galoisKeys GaloisKeys GaloisKeys used to perform rotations
scheme SchemeType Scheme that was used for encryption
destination CipherText <optional>
CipherText destination to store the result
pool MemoryPoolHandle <optional> MemoryPool to use

View Source evaluator.ts, line 1008

CipherText containing the result or void if a destination was supplied
CipherText | void
const galoisKeys = keyGenerator.createGaloisKeys()
const cipherTextA = seal.CipherText()
// ... after encrypting some data ...
const resultCipher = evaluator.sumElements(cipherTextA, galoisKeys, seal.SchemeTypes.BFV)
// or
const cipherDest = seal.CipherText()
evaluator.sumElements(cipherTextA, galoisKeys, seal.SchemeTypes.BFV, cipherDest)